Film Festival Students' Works

Where are we heading? Far away from here – ELTE junior curators at the Budapest Classics Film Marathon – 21 September

Written by eltefilm

The programme of the 7th Budapest Classics Film Marathon’s section “Where are we heading? Far away from here” was put together by the students of the Department as junior curators: Eszter Bajomi, Botond Biró, Zsanett Frank, Laura Horváth, Nóra Hurtik, Eszter Kisházy, Eszter Lázár, Karolina Rigó, Júlia Surányi, Hanna Toperczer, Fruzsi Vajda and Martin Vigh. Their mentor was Beja Margitházi.

This compilation sets the spotlight on the approach, problems and challenges of youth. Three full-length feature films explore the spatial, temporal and identity-seeking searches of young people in an expanding perspective (individual – small community – large community). János Herskó’s Hello, Vera (Szevasz Vera) is a personal coming-of-age story projected via an adventurous spatial and emotional journey, whereas István Gaál’s movie Current (Sodrásban) traces the impact and processing of a tragedy in the lives of a group of once tight-knit, recently graduated students who, however, are setting out on different paths; Petőfi ’73, a work by Ferenc Kardos, is a version of the historical past replayed by secondary school students. Every film examines the questions of young people and career-starters that remain relevant in this day: Who are we? What defines us? How does the community influence our actions? Are we initiators or are we just reacting? Is it better to travel than to arrive? And anyway, where are we going? Thoughts raised by the films are reframed by accompanying newsreels, opening up new interpretations: with their objectivity and factuality, they evoke the spirit of the age or, within the restrictions of the genre, they indicate the importance of the more personal approaches of feature films, illuminating individual life pathways.

Block #1: Instead of the far shore – Current (István Gaál, 1964)

Supporting film:
Dangers of summer bathing (Film montage, Magyar Filmhíradó, 1983)

Block #2: Returning where? – Hello Vera (János Herskó, 1967)

Supporting film:
Suggestions to help the Vietnamese people (Magyar Filmhíradó, 1967)
János Herskó’s work at Film Review (Magyar Filmhíradó, 1967)
Budapest streets (Magyar Filmhíradó, 1967)

Block #3: Where are we heading? Searching for a way, starting a career then and now – In conversation with guests

Moderators: Martin Vigh – Eszter Kisházy, Nóra Hurtik
Guests: Sociologist Mária Neményi, film historian Gábor Gelencsér, filmmaker Máté Konkol and film curator Anna Babos

Block #4: Far away from here Petőfi 73’ (Ferenc Kardos, 1973, 81’)

Supporting film:
100th anniversary of the death of Petőfi (Magyar Filmhíradó, 1949)
Our celebrations (Macskássy Katalin, 1981)

Films are screened in Hungarian with English subtitles.

The programme will take place on 21 September between 14 and 22 pm in the Lugosi Hall of Art+ Cinema. Free wristbands for the BCFM are available for those involved in education, click here for more information.

The curators’ introductions and more information about the programme: