Idén ősszel a NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) végzősei Amszterdamban egy utazó workshopot tartanak, melynek témája a film keretei, a vászon és a test kölcsönhatásai (Cinematic Scale). Ehhez október 31-ig van lehetőség pályázatot benyújtani 300 szavas terjedelemben.
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This coming Fall, the NECS Graduates are organizing a traveling workshop in Amsterdam on the topic of Cinematic Scale. Previous NECS workshops in Istanbul, London, Belgrade, and Lisbon have brought together many young researchers and graduate students in fruitful debate, resulting in a sustainable international network that meets regularly throughout the years. With this Amsterdam edition, we hope to keep the tradition going by providing a platform for participants to present works-in-progress and refine peer-reviews as well as presentation and discussion skills in preparation for conference participation and public defences. Specifically, we encourage candidates to further develop their papers in view of a panel proposal for the 2013 NECS Conference.
This workshop focuses on the interaction between cinematic frames, the screen, and the body. More precisely, the purpose of this workshop is to understand how these components effect a change in our conception of scale. One of the key thinkers on the topic, Mary Ann Doane, insists that “the question of scale has become more urgent with the striking proliferation of screen sizes in the contemporary media landscape.” In the past few decades we have seen both a shrinking and an increase of screen space, resulting in a profusion of different screen sizes, varying from Widescreen and the IMAX to tablets and smart phones. Is this divergence of representational space, for example, connected to a certain locus of perception? How do different scales (from miniature to colossal) and screens (from portable ones to navigable ones) interpellate a corporeal participation; one that is mobile rather than static, situated rather than fixed? And where does this leave notions like perspective and framing as workable key terms in our analysis of cinema? During this workshop we want to see in which ways such a diffused media culture reframes the cinematic through the body, resulting in gradually blurred boundaries between the representational and the spectatorial space. In order to assess questions of such urgency we welcome papers, as well as practice-based research, that address either one of these questions or other topics related to the notion of cinematic scale.
You are invited to submit a proposal (max. 300 words) with a short biographical note (max. 150 words) to
The deadline for submissions is 31 October 2012.
If your proposal is selected for participation, you will be asked to provide a 3000-word paper (excluding bibliography) by no later than 1 December 2012, to be distributed among other participants in advance of the workshop. In order to allow for a sufficient amount of discussion time, papers will not be read; instead, participants will be asked to provide a short pitch of their argument for a maximum of 10 minutes. Respondents will be assigned to each paper. Discussion will take off from the basis of the papers and peer-feedback.
The 5th NECS Graduate Workshop will be hosted by the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), the Research School for Media Studies (RMes), and the Media Studies department at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam. There is no fee for participation in the workshop other than a NECS membership (annual fee: €20, €10 for students). Lunch will be provided as well as coffee during breaks. Participants are expected to arrange their own travel and accommodation.
For more information on NECS, please visit