2013 június 19-es és 21-e között az ELTÉn rendezik meg idén a bölcsész tudományok új irányzataival foglalkozó Humanities Conference-t. A konferencia jelentkezési határideje március 21.
Bővebb információ az esemény honlapján található.
The 2013 Humanities Conference will be held at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary, 19-21 June. The conference provides a space for dialogue and publication of new knowledge which builds on the past traditions of the humanities whilst setting a renewed agenda for their future. Proposals for paper presentations, poster sessions, workshops, roundtables, or colloquia are invited, addressing the humanities through one of the following themes:
Critical Cultural Studies
Communications and Linguistics Studies
Literary Humanities
Civic, Political, and Community Studies
Humanities Education
The deadline for the current round of the call for papers is 21 March 2013. Please visit our website for more information on submitting your proposal, future deadlines, and registering for the conference. Presenters have the option to submit completed papers to one of our Humanities collection of journals. If you are unable to attend the conference in person, virtual registrations include the option to submit a video presentation, and/or submission to one of the journals for peer review and possible publication, as well as subscriber access to the Humanities Journals.
We are proud to welcome the following plenary speakers to this year’s Humanities Conference:
Erzsébet Barát, English and Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Anna Gács, Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Patricia Leavy, Author and Arts-Based Researcher, USA
Jasmina Lukic, Head, Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Katalin Orbán, Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, ELTE, Budapest, Hungary
Antal Örkény, Sociology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Claire Warwick, Co-Director, Centre for Digital Humanities, University College London, UK