The 23rd edition of the Premiers Plans Film Festival will take place in Angers from the 21ST TO THE 30TH OF JANUARY 2011. We would be very interested in viewing recent first and second feature films, first short films and student films produced in Europe in 2009 or 2010.
You can submit your film in one of the following sections: FIRST AND SECOND FEATURE FILMS (15), FIRST SHORT FILMS (20), STUDENT FILMS (30) and ANIMATION FILMS (20).
Fiction, animation, documentary and experimental films (in a panorama “Free Style”, out of competition) are accepted. If you wish to apply, please fill the application form online on our website ( and send a DVD to our office in Paris:
Festival Premiers Plans d’Angers, C/O C.S.T.
22-24, avenue de Saint-Ouen
FR-75018 Paris, France