Filmklubok és fesztiválok

Animation Night at OSA Archivum

Animation Night at OSA Archivum to commemorate the UN Human Rights Day.
Time: December 9, 2010, 6 pm; Place: OSA Archivum, Arany Janos 32
Award-winning works from different parts of the world prove that animation is a powerful medium to expose abuse and discrimination as well as portray human dignity and promote human rights.
Followed by discussion with Markos Kounalakis, a Senior Fellow at the Center for Media and Communication Studies at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary and President and Publisher Emeritus of the Washington Monthly. Moderator: Oksana Sarkisova, Film Historian, OSA Archivum.
Az esemény angol nyelvű és ingyenes. Részletes program itt olvasható.

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