Filmklubok és fesztiválok


Írta: film

Emlékeztető az Astrától:

We remind you that submissions for ASTRA FILM FESTIVAL 2014 are open until April 15, 2014!

Please read the Rules & Regulations carefully, and fill in the online submission form.

The Festival will take place between 6. and 12. October in Sibiu, Romania.

AFF SIBIU is a major event in the European film community. The Festival is located in Sibiu – Romania, and it is unique in this part of Europe. It is the place to see great documentaries, to feel the pulse of Eastern Europeam and Romanian documentary film production,  meet fellow-filmmakers from around the world, debate upon major issues faced by documentarists while exposing real life and real people on the big screen, and interact with professionals and with an enthusiastic audience.

We are looking forward to receiving your films!

Astra Film Festival