Budapesti New York Portuguese Short Film Festival
2017. május 5-6.
Kino Cafe Mozi (Budapest XIII., Szent István krt. 16)
A Portugál Nagykövetség, a Budapesti Camões Intézet Portugál Nyelvi Központ, valamint az Arte Institute közös szervezésében május 5-6-án megrendezésre kerül a Budapesti New York Portuguese Short Film Festival a Kino Cafe moziban.
Az immáron VII. kiadását ünneplő rövidfilmfesztivál az utóbbi években körbeutazta a világot és olyan országokba juttatta el a legjobb portugál rövidfilmeket, mint az Amerika Egyesült Államok, Ausztrália, Brazília, Franciaország, Németország, Lengyelország, Kanada, Thaiföld és Kenya. A 19 országot és 38 várost végigjáró utazófesztivál májusban Budapestre érkezik, így a magyar közönség is megismerkedhet a legtehetségesebb, fiatal portugál rendezők alkotásaival.
A New York Portuguese Short Film Festival (NYPSFF) ötlete, ahogy azt az eseménysorozat neve is mutatja, New Yorkban született meg. A fesztiválprogram utaztatásával a szervezők a portugál filmművészetet szeretnék megismertetni és közelebb hozni a nemzetközi közönséghez.
A program összeállításáért egy olyan amerikai, portugál és brazil filmes szakemberekből álló bizottság felel, mely tagjai között tudhatja a Portugál Filmművészeti Intézet vezetőjét, Victor Pinheirót, a São Pauló-i Filmfesztivál szervezőjét Zita Carvalhosát és Jared Early filmesztétát.
A 19 órakor kezdődő filmek eredeti nyelven angol felirattal kerülnek vetítésre. Jegyek 900 Ft-os áron kaphatók online és a Kino Cafe mozi pénztárában.
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NY Portuguese Short Film Festival in Budapest
(English version)
The Portuguese Embassy in Budapest, the Camões Institute and Arte Institute are pleased to present the VI Edition of the NY Portuguese Short Film Festival in Budapest on May 5 and 6 at 7.00 p.m.
May 5 and 6 – Kino Cafe Mozi (Budapest XIII., Szent István krt. 16) at 7.00 p.m.
In VI Edition, the Festival brings us 8 shorts and 2 invited shorts by Portugal’s most promising filmmakers. The Festival is now in its six year of existence, and in 2016 it was presented in United States, Brazil, Australia, China, United Kingdom, France, Angola, South Africa, Mozambique, Canada, Germany, Poland, Kenya, Check Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Senegal, Thailand, Romenia and Hungary – 19 countries and 38 cities.
The NY Portuguese Short Film Festival (NYPSFF) was the first Portuguese film festival in NYC and the US. The Festival show the work of the new generation of young Portuguese directors. By organizing the Festival annually in several countries, the Arte Institute intends to expand and win new audiences for the Portuguese cinema worldwide.
The short films were selected and submitted to a distinguished jury composed of figures of American, Portuguese and Brazilian film experts, as Victor Pinheiro (Cinema and Audiovisual Portuguese Institute), Zita Carvalhosa (Sao Paulo Short Festival) and Jared Earley (Movie Curator). Arte Institute established the N.Y. Portuguese Short Film Festival – the first of its kind in the U.S. – to expose a broader, international audience to Portuguese culture and its prolific but under-recognized cinematic scene.
The Director of Arte Institute and the NY Portuguese Short Film Festival, Ana Ventura Miranda says that “The Portuguese Cinema has develop very much in the past years, especially the short film format and that the NYPSFF showcases the new directors but also the country itself and its creativity”. The Arte Institute will continue to take the VI Edition NY Portuguese Short Film Festival to all these countries, taking the vanguard of Portuguese cinema and opening new avenues of cultural cooperation.
First Day
That’s how it was by Patrícia Rodrigues | Joana Nogueira
God Will Provide by Luís Porto
My River by Ricardo Teixeira
Law of Gravity by Tiago Rosa-Rosso
Feral (Short Film Invited) by Daniel Sousa
Second Day
Isa by Patricia Vidal Delgado
The Robbery by João Tempera
I’d Rather Not Say by Pedro Augusto Almeida
#Lingo by Vicente Nirō
The Carnations and the Rock (Short Film Invited) by Luísa Sequeira
Support: Kino Café Mozi
Please find more information about the movies at the festival website:
Founded in 2011, Arte Institute facilitates the production and showcasing of international contemporary artists and art projects, with a focus on Portuguese contemporary art. The institute has organized more than 160 events in a dynamic Atlantic triangle that spans Europe, North and South America. Arte Institute is an independent, not-for-profit organization based in New York. To learn more about Arte Institute, visit For more information on the N.Y. Portuguese Film Festival, including film synopses and interviews with directors, visit
Arte Institute Patrons: Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua // Fundação Luso-Americana // CM Cascais // EDP // Caixa Geral de Depósitos // Tap Portugal